Woodthorpe Church of England Primary School

Learning & Growing Together To Be The Best We Can Be

Pupil Premium

The Government gives Pupil Premium funding, which is additional to main school funding, as it believes it is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers. 

The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to schools to work with pupils who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’).

The aim of this funding is to ensure that pupils eligible for pupil premium funding make as much progress in school as their peers.

Schools also receive funding for children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months, and children of service personnel.


Who is entitled to Pupil Premium Funding?

During this academic year, schools currently receive Pupil Premium funding of £1,385 per pupil per year for those whose families have registered for FSM, or who have been registered for FSM at any point during the past 6 years. In addition, schools will receive £2,410 for Looked After Children (LAC) and ‘post-LAC’ (e.g. Adopted From Care), although some of this may be centrally retained by Local Authority Virtual Schools. The children of members of the armed forces also receive ‘Service Pupil Premium’ of £320 per year.


How can I find out if my child is entitled to the Pupil Premium funding?

The process for applying is straightforward and confidential. You can check online using a ‘Free School Meals / Pupil Premium Service’ at www.fsm.lgfl.net. After entering essential details into the web site, the online application process links to the Department for Education system for checking eligibility and gives an immediate ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response, and will notify our school. As soon as you are registered, the school will provide your child with a hot dinner and you won’t have to pay.

Alternatively, you can speak to a member of the office staff, who will be able to assist you through this process, or collect a form from them. All enquires will be treated in confidence. Further information can be found on the link to the Derbyshire Free School Meals website below.

Free school meals - Derbyshire County Council


How is the funding used?

The key purpose of the Pupil Premium funding is to enable all pupils to reach their full potential. 

We recognise that barriers to achievement take a variety of forms and we will do whatever it takes to support each child, both in and out of the classroom.  We use all of our resources to ensure that every child has an equal opportunity to become a successful, confident and independent individual.  In order to achieve this, we offer our children a wide range of opportunities and we always make sure that these are accessible for everyone, irrespective of their backgrounds and experiences. We work with our families and colleagues to make sure that everyone has high aspirations for all pupils. We ensure pupil premium children are well represented and have a voice on our School groups e.g ECO, Ivengers and School Council.

Eligible pupils are always supported using this funding, but the school may also target support for other children who are vulnerable and in need of additional support for a variety of reasons and wherever possible try to maximise the impact of this funding. Some of the funding is used to improve the quality of education for all pupils, and the way that we do this is outlined on the link to our Pupil Premium Strategy document below.


How do we measure success?

The School tracks the progress of all students, including students in this particular group.  Success will be evidence that shows that students in this group are making better progress than in the past and significantly closing the gap in performance.  We will also compare their progress against their peers in the school and nationally, so that we can judge the impact of our work in this broader context.

Softer impact data is also gathered in the form of parental responses to feedback questionnaires and the annual pupil report as well as anecdotal evidence from parents and students, otherwise unavailable to them.


 2024 -2025

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025

Our three year Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2026


2023- 2024

Our current Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2024



Our three-year Pupil Premium Strategy 2020-2023

One year Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-2023

Our Provision map 2022-2023

Governor report- Autumn 2022 (December)

Action Plan 2022-2023



Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2022

Action Plan 2021-2022


Our School lead for PP is Mrs H Walsh. (hwalsh@woodthorpe.derbyshire.sch.uk)