Learning & Growing Together To Be The Best We Can Be
At Woodthorpe, the Design and Technology curriculum is designed to give pupils opportunities to develop skills in designing and making food products, textiles products, structures and mechanisms which at times will incorporate using electrical components. This is an ideal springboard for the development of collaborative working and encourages evaluations of the pupils own ideas and products.
Curriculum Intent
We believe that Design Technology helps children to become problem solvers through practical tasks, using creativity and imagination. We wish for children to take every day or familiar objects and investigate how they actually work and who they are really aimed at. As a school, our intent for Design Technology is:
To read more on our Intent, Implementation and Impact statements, consideration of British Values, SMSC and careers in Design Technology, please view our 3I's document below:
Woodthorpe's Design Technology Intent, Implementation and Impact Document
Curriculum Coverage
At Woodthorpe C of E Primary, we follow the Cornerstones Curriculum, however we adapt this to meet the local needs of our children and enrichment opportunities. We work on a one year cycle in Reception, a two year cycle in Key Stage 1, a three year cycle for Year 3, 4 and 5, and a one year cycle for Year 6. The complete lists of designers and significant figures for DT that we will cover can be found in our school’s medium term plans, as these are often related to our topics. We will however cover a wide variety of men and women from different cultures, inspirational figures who are living with different disabilities, alongside covering those that are both alive and dead.
Please read the overview below if you are interested in our Cornerstones Projects and specifically how these are related to Design Technology at Woodthorpe, alongside a summary of the significant individuals we will study and any enrichment opportunities each term. This document will be updated on the website termly to show new opportunities that we are providing.
Summary of Design Technology at Woodthorpe 2024 - 2025
Teachers follow the sequence and progression grids to ensure that the full curriculum is covered and that this is sequential as children progress through their years with us at Woodthorpe. We also, as teachers, use a core knowledge grid, which is the sticky knowledge that we strive for all pupils to confidently know in their year group and retain throughout their time at Woodthorpe. This will be constantly reviewed by Class Teachers in Key Stage 1 in the form of 'Pinny Time', and in Key Stage 2 during lesson inputs and plenaries. Our staff must also follow the Art and Design Policy which is reviewed termly by the Art Coordinator
Please follow the link bellow to view our skills and progression grids for Design Technology.
Woodthorpe C of E Primary Design Technology Skills and Progression Document 2023-24
Woodthorpe C of E Primary Design Technology Policy
As a school, we are constantly striving to make ourselves the best we can be for our children. As the curriculum develops and the opportunities available to the school, we create action plans for each subject on how we can consistently develop and grow. If you are interested in what the school is targeting towards for Design Technology, please click below to view our action plan.
Throughout the year we offer art-based afterschool clubs (please contact our school office for the half termly timetable), including crafting, STEM clubs, cooking and baking and many more. We feel it is incredibly important to offer experiences beyond the curriculum.
Exciting Upcoming Creative Events for the 24-25 Academic Year:
Previous Years Design Technology Opportunities
Great places to visit related to Design Technology in our local community: