Woodthorpe Church of England Primary School

Learning & Growing Together To Be The Best We Can Be

Early Help

Please find the latest Chesterfield Community Update. This document contains information/advice/contacts for different areas including:

Food Banks, Education, Money and Finance/Welfare Benefits, Housing, Mental Health/Emotional wellbeing/Staying active, Domestic Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Safeguarding, Parental Support Employment/ Training, Community Support, Addiction Support, Support for Children and Young People, Volunteering,  Any other Local info. 

Please click here for a list of where to find help and support in Chesterfield.


If you cannot find what you need, please get in contact with School by emailing safeguarding@woodthorpe.derbyshire.sch.uk.


At Woodthorpe Church of England Primary School, we are extremely fortunate to receive support from P4YP - Positive for Young People. This is an early intervention service aimed at providing help, advice and support to families who are experiencing difficulties. We have a number of families that are currently benefiting from this service and are hugely grateful for the support they are receiving .

Further information regarding Early help and our Safeguarding offer to you, can be found on our Safeguarding leaflet - Woodthorpe Safeguarding Leaflet

Useful Courses/Leaflets/Flyers

 De-esculation and Building Relationships.pdfDownload
 Derbyshire County Council Gambling Awareness Training.pdfDownload
 Freedom Programme (DA) Flyer.pdfDownload
 Solihull Approach - Understanding your Child's Behaviour.pdfDownload
 Young People - Help around Drugs and Alcohol Leaflet.pdfDownload
 Young People - Help around Drugs and Alcohol Poster.pdfDownload
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