Woodthorpe Church of England Primary School

Learning & Growing Together To Be The Best We Can Be

Latest Documents

 Woodthorpe Term Dates 2025 2026.pdfDownload
 Derbyshire County Council School Attendance Update 24 25.pdfDownload
 FSM Digital Postcard.pdfDownload
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Welcome Message

Welcome to our school and website. We hope that the site will give you a flavour of our school.  

We have included lots of useful information about the school, the classes, the curriculum and the many exciting things that we do at school. You will also see some photographs of work, displays, events and learning experiences in our school. 

We are part of the Derby Diocesan Academy Trust and enjoy the partnerships with other schools in the trust.  Our School's moto is: 'Learning and growing together to be the best we can be'. Also rooted in the Bible quote: 'Be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.  Joshua 1:9


Our curriculum provides a broad range of opportunities. Children learn through themed topics, in which staff plan a variety of first hand experiences and use creative and imaginative teaching to make learning exciting and memorable. We have superb school grounds and enjoy learning outdoors as much as we can.  

Our children are amazing. They are polite, respectful and welcoming, and we are proud of their achievements. The staff work incredibly hard to foster positive relationships with children, parents, visitors, the community and the parish. We can achieve great things by working together as a team. We are proud to be a church school and part of Derby Diocese.  

We hope you enjoy looking at our website and find it useful. If you can not find the information you are looking for, please contact the school directly where someone will be happy to help.

Thank you for visiting.

Mr Matt Loader  (Executive Headteacher), Mrs Elaine Gamble (Head of School) and the team of Staff and Governors at Woodthorpe Church of England Primary School.  


16th and 19th September 2024 - Faith Trail
The children had an amazing time learning about different faiths and religions. We got the chance to explore a Sikh Gurdwara, a Hindu Temple and a Mosque. 
10th July 2024 - Summer Fair
Thank you to everyone who came to Woodthorpe's Summer Fair, the PTFA did a fabulous job organising all the stalls and raising a massive amount of money for the pupils.
22nd May 2024 - Yorkshire Wildlife Park
We took the whole School to YWP today, despite the VERY wet weather, we all had an amazing time getting up close to the animals!
16th April 2024 - Animal Handling Experience
Today we had some very special visitors to School, including a tarantula, a very big snake, a tortoise and lots more!
18th March 2024 - Magna Science Adventure Centre
The children in Class 3 and 4 had a very scientific day at Magna, strengthening their knowledge of volcanoes and rocks with a special workshop. They then got to have a look around the centre's Earth, Air, Fire and Water areas.
15th March 2024 - Kapla Science Day
As part of Science week this year, Woodthorpe pupils spent the day enhancing their STEM skills focusing especially on perseverance, concentration and resilience.




CEOP Education


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